Lysa Flower's Daily Designer Diary : : One boombox pattern : : three sewing projects


If you’re so inclined and want to make my Boombox quilt…

…it can be purchased here on ETSY. If you want to make this Boombox Sewing Machine Cover…

…you will need the Boombox pattern above and the FREE tutorial on my site. I have it for you HERE.

Now, if you want to make a Boombox bag like this one …

…again, you’ll need the top Boombox pattern for the front of this bag. You’ll also need this tutorial, which I wrote for the project below, the Boombox Nesting Bags. The measurements aren’t exactly the same but it will help you figure out how to put it together. You’ll only have to change a few measurements. Voila! Boy, you’re gonna be busy!

P.S. To be honest with you, I’ve always secretly hoped a manufacture would approach me and licence my boombox bag for product! Wouldn’t that be amazing!!!