UPDATE... and what's with Rick Springfield's suit?

Before we start I have to take a moment and give a shout out to Stephanie from @simplesewendipity who BLEW MY MIND! And then I saw her flimsy! And then I saw it all quilted up! I've made my share of cassettes in my time but Stephanie made made 28! 28 Rainbow cassettes to border her Boombox quilt! UNBELIEVABLE! Love, love, love!

...Here's the latest UPDATE: I'm not sure where the time goes. And why does everything seem to happen all at the same time? Here's my best way to organize it:

SECRET SEWING: Postponed. Do you remember a few weeks back when I told you I'd be able to reveal my secret designing at the end of the month? We're going to have to hold on just a bit longer. Oh and to really make it titillating, I've recently been working on a second secret sewing project (dream project actually!... now that I think of it they're all dream projects)! Gosh, I'm so grateful for the things that have landed in my lap. Thank you universe, I sure appreciate it!


  • MINI TRUNK SHOW: Monday, April 16th for the Vancouver Modern Quilt Guild. I'm going to do my best Brene Brown inspired talk (gosh I love her!). Do you know her work about vulnerability? I'm going to open up and be really candid about my work and my journey on how I accidentally on purpose became a sewing pattern designer. 

  • SHOW: VMQG Quilt Showcase. Saturday and Sunday, August 25th and 26th at the Pipe Shop (115 Victory Ship Way, North Vancouver). They put on a show two years ago (it was my very first Newsletter post on this site. You can see it HERE). It was fresh, modern and inspired. I was thrilled to have work in it last time and I'm super excited to enter work for this one too!

UPDATES ABOUT PAST INTERVIEW SERIES PARTICIPANTS (wow, that sounds so official, doesn't?!):

NATALIE SANTINI : : from NOV 2017 INTERVIEW SERIES PART 1 / PART 2 : : Recently was on episode 158 of Modern Sewciety Podcast. You can listen to it HERE. It's the next BEST thing to hanging out with her in person! She always brightens my day! Oooh and she also has a new messenger bag pattern coming out soon too. Be on the look out!

JENNY HAYNES : : from JAN 2018 INTERVIEW SERIES PART 1 / PART 2 exhibition at @artyfactgallery is up and it's a SMASH HIT! Join me in a hip hip hooray for her!

... and lastly...RECOMMENCED FOR YOUR PLAYLIST: Two song this week. A call and response if you will. Ready?... Rick Springfield's JESSIE'S GIRL (quick question Rick, why the suit?! and isn't smashing the mirror a bit extreme? It does crack me up though!) and the Car's MY BEST FRIENDS GIRLFRIEND with a lovely intro appearance by Alice Cooper! 



My husband and I recently went to Mexico for a wedding. There were excursions, ruins, snorkeling, salsa, laughter and sand... lots of sand. But I have to admit my happy place (and not just when in Mexico) is when I'm tucked in somewhere with a book. It can be a journal, a magazine, even a great kids picture book. You name it, I'm pretty much in love with anything that has two covers with pages in between. So it's probably no shock that I created a Cassette Tape Book Cover PDF Tutorial just for you! It can be downloaded from HERE. I've also archived it under my "SEWING DESIGNS", for whenever you need it.

The first book cover I ever made (the yellow one) was for a swap at the Pacific Northwest Modern Quilt Guild Meetup back in 2015 that the Seattle Modern Quilt Guild had put on. It was so much fun and I got the chance to meet my partner in crime Jonna (my pattern tester extraordinaire)! Check out her floral version of the book covers. The centers of the cassettes are brilliant! 

In writing the tutorial Jonna (@bespokeoutlaw) and I discovered if you enlarge the medium Cassette Tapes pattern by 15% on your printer it makes a perfect cover for a 5" x 7" notebook. If you increase the small pattern by 39% on your printer it perfectly covers a small moleskin! Just remember to increase or decrease the same percentage for the spines (cassette bottoms). 

P.S. I don't know about you but I'm still basking in Jenny Haynes (@pappersaxsten) work. Have you seen what she's been working on lately? O M G!

P.S.S. One of the benefits of being away on a trip is MAIL! Happy mail! I received my copy of Modern Quilts! Yay! And my packet from THRIVE MASTERMIND, a new group I joined. I'm super duper looking forward to it!

RECOMMENDED FOR YOUR PLAYLIST: Elvis Costello & The Attractions- Everyday I write the Book (the Lady Di and Charles look a likes are not too shabby!) ALTHOUGH my very favourite Elvis Costello moment was on Saturday Night Live, when he changed mid song and broke into Radio Radio (getting himself banned from the show for over a decade). AND then in 1989 he jumped into the Beastie Boys set on SNL and started playing... you guessed it... Radio Radio! Genius!